The debt collection is done by a Czech business, well-versed in Czech legislation, operating in the Czech language and respecting Czech cultural features.
Awareness of B4B INKASSO’s success rate makes debtors want to pay their overdue liabilities.
B4B INKASSO recovers receivables in the Czech Republic for important and renowned agencies from a number of European countries.
Customers receive the initial details within 24 hours of contacting us, after which they are kept informed on a 24/7 basis through our online customer portal.
Our communication languages are English, German, Spanish, French, Polish and Slovak.
and your contact details are provided by you by means of the form below. You receive a suggested solution within 24 hours (on workdays).
will be sent to you within 24 hours for your approval.
of an amount receivable. We implement these steps, drawing on our long-term experience and our unique B4B psychological know-how, all provided in the Czech language, that is, the debtor's native language.
is credited to the client's bank account (in about 95 % of collection cases).
are involved only where the extrajudicial recovery has failed. Before that, you will receive a report from us assessing the debtor's creditworthiness and probability rate for collection of your amount receivable using their assets.
The best overdue receivables are those that do not arise at all. And if they do, then best if they are collected in time. To achieve this, our consultancy service is available to all B2B companies. It is geared towards corporations with a turnover in billions employing their own system of debt management as well as small businesses and sole traders who rarely face unpaid invoices.
Kollárova 1653/2b
736 01 Havířov – Podlesí
Czech Republic
Identification number: 26794845 VAT registration: CZ26794845
The company is registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Regional Court of Commerce in Ostrava, section C, file 25460.
Vymáhání provádí školení operátoři s dlouholetou praxí v inkasu pohledávek
Po celou dobu vymáhání je dlužník informován o svém závazku písemně
Máme vlastní tým inkasních inspektorů, rozmístěných po celé ČR
Po celou dobu vymáhání máte informace o průběhu k dispozici
Závazek je možné uhradit najednou nebo ve splátkách